The Magic Pencil, a powerful novel for young adults, is the story of Malcolm Bakersfield and the star of his latest and greatest dream, Nia Stellar.
Nia is "the new girl" at Gillespie School. Malcolm quickly notices she's definitely different from all of the other kids he knows.
One day, Malc forgets to bring his pencils to school and borrows one from Nia. When he begins to use it, the pencil glows and his writing flows! Malcolm becomes as mystified as Nia is mysterious.
Many wonderful things continue to happen with Nia on the scene. She challenges Malc to be better than his best and he soon discovers amazing things about himself and the world! But whenever he gets the chance to ask Nia if the pencil has special powers, her answer is usually just a laugh.
We join Malcolm in his quest to discover the secret to the power of the pencil! And we'll uncover hidden powers within ourselves, along the way.
Writing Contest
A student from the age groups 8-12 and 13-17 years old will win 5 copies of The Magic Pencil novel for their school!
The entrants must write an essay on "What is Code-switching?" using The Magic Pencil as a springboard. The winners will be chosen, based on the overall quality of their essay, by 5 professional writers/teachers/editors.
The essay must be accompanied by a letter of authenticity signed by the students' Language Arts or Social Studies teacher and co-signed by a parent or guardian of the student.
The contest is open to U.S.A. students, only.
Entries must be postmarked by Thursday, September 16, 2010. The winners will be notified through their schools.
Send entries via U.S. Mail to:
Dabs and Company
P.O. Box 47327, Oak Park, MI 48237
For more information on Karen Dabney, please visit:
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