Birthing Pains by Tyora Moody
Is Birthing Pains your first published work? If not, what other titles have you authored?
Yes. This is my first published work of fiction.
Do you plan to write more stories or novels?
I may write more short stories. This story was the first one I've written in over fifteen years. I have two manuscripts that I'm working whenever I can to find homes for with a traditional publisher.
How did you get your idea for your story?
The idea for Birthing Pains was inspired by the backstory of one of my manuscripts. I have a cozy mystery in which my short story character, Eugeena Patterson, becomes a reluctant amateur sleuth. The short story events take place about four years before the story in the manuscript.
What is(are) the specific main theme(s)/platform(s) in your story?
The specific themes in my story deal with bitterness and resentment. Hebrews 12:15 says, "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." This family let a seed of bitterness grow over the years until it became like a weed ready to choke and destroy them.
For more on Tyora Moody, please visit
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